Final Academic Project for my bachlor's degree

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence Project - MY BIAT

Project URL:

# Business Intelligence Project - MY BIAT

## 📌 Project Overview We have embarked on a **Business Intelligence (BI) project** aimed at tracking the customers of the mobile application **MY BIAT**. The objective of this project is to **automate and analyze** the data generated by the mobile application using various tools and technologies.

### 🚀 Technologies Used - **Python** - Data processing and automation - **SQL** - Database querying and management - **Apache Airflow** - Workflow automation - **Docker** - Containerization of services - **Power BI** - Data visualization and reporting - **PostgreSQL** - Database management system


## ⚡ Frequently Used Commands

### 🔐 SSH & Remote Access - **Generate an SSH key pair:** ```sh ssh-keygen -t rsa ``` *Used to create an SSH key pair using the RSA encryption algorithm.*

- **Copy SSH key to a remote server:** ```sh ssh-copy-id -i /chemin/vers/ utilisateur@adresse_du_serveur ``` *Enables password-less authentication by copying the public key to the remote server.*

- **Connect to a remote server using SSH:** ```sh ssh utilisateur@adresse_ip_ou_nom_de_domaine ``` *Establishes an SSH connection to a remote server.*

- **Copy files to a remote server using SCP:** ```sh scp nom_fichier utilisateur@adresse_ip:/chemin/destination ``` *Transfers files securely between a local and a remote machine over SSH.*

### 🐳 Docker Commands - **List all Docker images:** ```sh docker images ``` *Displays all Docker images available on the system.*

- **List running Docker containers:** ```sh docker ps ``` *Shows all active Docker containers.*

- **List all containers (running and stopped):** ```sh docker ps -a ``` *Displays all containers, including those that are stopped.*

- **Execute a command inside a running container:** ```sh docker exec nom_du_conteneur commande_a_executer ``` *Runs a command inside an active Docker container.*

- **List all Docker networks:** ```sh docker network ls ``` *Shows all existing Docker networks.*

- **Copy files from the host to a container:** ```sh docker cp chemin_fichier_local nom_ou_id_du_conteneur:/chemin/destination ``` *Transfers files from the local system to a Docker container.*

### 📦 Docker Compose - **Start services defined in a `docker-compose.yml` file:** ```sh docker-compose up ``` *Deploys the services as per the configuration file.*

- **Stop and remove services managed by Docker Compose:** ```sh docker-compose down ``` *Stops and deletes all containers defined in the `docker-compose.yml` file.*

### 🔧 System Administration - **Run a command as a superuser (Linux):** ```sh sudo commande ``` *Allows a non-root user to execute commands with elevated privileges.*


  • ## 📂 Repository Structure ``` 📁 my-biat-bi-project ├── 📂 scripts # Python & SQL scripts for data processing ├── 📂 airflow_dags # Apache Airflow DAGs for automation ├── 📂 docker # Docker-related configurations ├── 📂 reports # Power BI reports ├── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose configuration └── # Project documentation ```


## 👨‍💻 Contributors - **Samah Ben Ghars** ([GitHub](


## 📞 Contact For any questions, feel free to reach out via **GitHub Issues** or **email**.